Sunday, 5 May 2013

Paying through the nose every time the wind blows

Our energy policy is a mess. New rules by Ofgem have forced all domestic energy suppliers to apply a standing charge for electricity and gas, in addition to the cost per unit used. It doesn't take a maths degree to realise that this penalises low users, the very sort of behaviour we should be encouraging. What's the point of insulating your house to cut your bills when you get hammered by a big standing charge regardless of your usage? The poor consumer is now also paying for wind turbines to be switched off when it gets too windy and the grid is at risk of being overloaded. This is absolute nonsense. Thousands of people are now living in fuel poverty and what do our governments do? Increase our bills! If the SNP succeed in covering Scotland with windfarms, how much money will have to be paid out every time a gale blows? Why is Ofgem not forcing suppliers to do away with standing charges altogether and just charge a flat rate per unit? That would encourage people to turn off the lights and turn down the thermostat. Ultimately, we need to reduce our energy usage, not keep building expensive, inefficient windfarms which only profit energy companies and landowners.

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