Wednesday, 7 November 2012

What did we do???

If His Grace is correct in saying that we get the leaders we deserve, what on earth did Scotland do to merit 2002 days of Alex Salmond??? Calton's mind boggles. Not only that but the likelihood is that we are going to get at least another 730 days (until the Independence Referendum) before Eck bows out, and that's only if we believe his promise not to go "on and on". His loyal Deputy has congratulated him on his political longevity, presumably because she is young enough to still have a shot at the top when he finally shuffles off his first-ministerial coil, but if it was Calton, he'd be chewing nails and sharpening his claws in the background. Let us not forget what happened to Margaret Thatcher after she vowed to go on and on. There's something to be said for limiting a leader's time in office, as they do in the US.

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