Friday, 15 June 2012

Sour grapes feeds lots of starving children

There's an awful lot of sour grapes around this summer - must be something to do with the weather. This week's award goes to Argyll and Bute Council for their decision to ban schoolgirl Martha taking photos of her school dinners and posting them on her blog NeverSeconds. Fortunately, council leader Roddy McCuish has seen sense and reversed the ban and the publicity on today's media has resulted in a huge increase of donations to the charity - Mary's Meals - which the blog was raising funds for and, hopefully, an increase in the size of the portions they dish up at Martha's school. Some of the dinners featured on the blog would hardly keep a sparrow alive, never mind a growing girl! However all's well that ends well and today's stushie will ensure that lots of hungry children in Malawi are fed, leaving them at least with a sweet taste in the mouth. Well done Martha.

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