Thursday, 1 March 2012

Get the gloves off

Really, do our political leaders have nothing better to do than to trade comments on who drank what beverage with which media mogul? Is that the most pressing issue at the moment? It would seem so, given the considerable amount of time it took up at FMQs today, much to Calton's disgust. Alex Salmond couldn't resist having another go on the sun bed this week, contrary to Calton's advice, however Johann Lamont should know by now that slinging mud at the teflon-coated one only results in getting splattered by return. And when is someone going to put forward a motion to abolish the tradition of opposition leaders having to ask an innocuous question first, before getting their teeth into the First Minister? It just gives Alex yet another opportunity to be smug without actually giving any information of interest. It's turning into a farce. Scrap it and let the fight begin right from the off.

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