Sunday, 31 December 2023

Another Year Gone and Closer

That's another year gone by which means that we are a year closer to Christ's return, not as gentle Jesus meek and mild but as all-conquering Lord and King. Calton does not know the time nor the hour however the signs are all stacking up for it to be years rather than decades or centuries. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse (deception, conflict, food inflation and death) are already stalking the earth in a way not seen before (Revelation 5:1-8). More Christians are being killed for their faith (Rev 5:9-11). It is not hard to imagine hostile armies gathering in Israel in the plain of Megiddo (Rev 16:16). Nor is it hard to imagine a one-world government insisting that, in order to buy and sell, you have to have a mark on your hand or forehead (Rev 13:16-17).

Some Christians believe that they are going to be caught up to heaven before things get rough. This is not a view that Calton subscribes to, nice though it would be (for Christians). Life on earth is going to get worse over the next few years and desperate once the Antichrist reveals himself, probably by setting up a statue of himself as God in the newly rebuilt 3rd temple in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:27). Is it significant that King Charles confirmed a covenant with the many people he rules at his coronation and that a statue of him as saviour of the world is already in existence? Calton leaves that for you to decide but, if it is significant, we have less than three years to go before the Antichrist/One World Ruler is revealed. The good news is that three and a half years after the Antichrist takes over, he will be destroyed by the real Saviour of the World - Jesus Christ. 

However the timing pans out, and whoever the Antichrist turns out to be, there is only one name by which we can be saved - Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). Those who put their trust in Him will not be disappointed (Psalm 40:4). Now is the day of salvation (1 Corinthians 6:2) - when Armageddon comes it will be too late.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

It Gets Worse

In his last post Calton said he thought that SNP leadership hopeful Kate Forbes was sacrificing her little daughter for the sake of independence. It now transpires that Kate is willing to sacrifice lots of unborn daughters and sons for the sake of independence (or ambition). The fact that they will not be her own children just makes it even worse.

Calton has long thought that Kate had sold out her christian beliefs in order to be part of the SNP Government however he is still shocked to have it confirmed from her own lips. In the past, christians sought political office in order to bring a godly influence to bear on society and to enact godly laws, because they believed that it was for the good of all society. No more it seems. How sad.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

A Message for Kate

Calton doesn't believe everything that comes out of Nicola Sturgeon's mouth however there was no doubting the sincerity of her words when she talked about the toll being First Minister has taken on her in her resignation speech. A speech Kate Forbes would do well to listen to again. Sturgeon has devoted her whole life to the cause of independence and her personal life has suffered. Forbes has effectively declared at last night's leadership hustings that the cause of independence is more important to her than being at home to put her little girl to bed. She justifies it by saying that she wants her daughter and other Scottish children to grow up in a free, sovereign and independent country (and she makes the huge assumption that that would be better for them...)

Leaving aside for now the idea that Christians should devote their whole life to God and not Scottish independence, Calton is not alone in being of the view that parents of young children should be devoting themselves to bringing up their offspring. That doesn't preclude mothers and fathers having a career but it does rule out certain jobs - the ones which leave no time for children, like being First Minister of Scotland. That much surely was clear from Nicola Sturgeon's resignation speech.

The early years of a child's life are precious and, once gone, cannot be relived. Quality parental time with the kids does not make up for lack of quantity. There is plenty of time for Kate to be First Minister but her little girl will not be little for long. Kate has been given a great gift and with it comes great responsibility. It saddens Calton to see her sacrifice it to her obsession with independence. Where has Sturgeon's devotion to that cause got her? Nowhere. A life wasted, her dreams unfulfilled and relationships withered and broken.

Calton would rather see children growing up in a country where they are not sexualised from primary school, where harmful transgender ideology is not pushed at them, where the problems of poverty are not exacerbated by the economic costs of independence, where chances to improve their lives are not squandered in the constant search for a grievance against Westminster, where they won't freeze in their homes and schools due to a foolish obsession with Net Zero. Scotland does not need to be independent for real improvement to happen right now. It does need to ditch the incompetent SNP with their one-track minds.

Calton is not a member of any political party and so does not have a vote in the SNP leadership election. He thinks that Kate is by far the best candidate but she would not get his vote if he did have one, for her own sake and for the sake of her little girl.

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

The SNP's Sick Social Experiment

What is it with Nicola Sturgeon and vulnerable people? First she transferred elderly people out of hospitals and into care homes without testing them for Covid, thereby infecting numerous care home residents with the virus, some fatally. Now it transpires that, under her watch, male offenders have been transferred into women's prisons. Some are still in women's prisons although not the double rapist who has caused the First Minister to admit that transwomen are not women in certain circumstances ...

Just over a week ago Calton was sure that the demise of Sturgeon would be at the hands of angry older women. Now it looks like it has all but been achieved by a man in a blonde wig.

One could give Sturgeon the benefit of the doubt over the care home Covid disaster, however it has now become clear that men in women's prisons was deliberate, planned policy. The Scottish Trans Alliance, one of the Scottish Government's pet charities which is bankrolled by the Scottish taxpayer, deliberately targeted prisons as a means of persuading other public bodies to follow its radical trans agenda. Their reasoning was that, if putting transwomen into women's prisons could be shown to work, the rest of their trans-inclusive policies could be rolled out into society. The SNP government fell for this argument hook, line and sinker, with the result that female offenders became guinea pigs in a sick social experiment which Calton does not doubt was approved by Nicola Sturgeon. (A policy was introduced by the SNP Government under Alex Salmond in 2014 of accommodating transgender prisoners according to their chosen gender. Nicola Sturgeon has continued it.)

The death of elderly residents in care homes was carelessness. The traumatising of vulnerable female prisoners is deliberate and the blame lies with the First Minister of the government which introduced the policy of housing men in women's jails and the First Minister who has continued her predecessor's policy. In Calton's opinion, Nicola Sturgeon should not only resign but be charged with dereliction of duty - the duty to care for the most vulnerable in society.

Monday, 23 January 2023

White Horse Syndrome

Calton has read numerous comments recently which say that Nicola Sturgeon is only using trans people to pick a fight with Westminster. Now, Calton has no doubt that Sturgeon relishes any excuse for a barney, and indeed could probably start a fight in an empty room, but he isn't convinced that she's being quite so cynical over the trans issue. If you read her comments, watch her video plea to trans people leaving the SNP, listen to her on TV, she really does seem to believe in the trans cause. She definitely seems to believe that transwomen are women and are also the most stigmatised minority in Scotland today. In short, she has been captured by trans ideology. There may be personal reasons behind this but there may also be another reason - white horse syndrome.

With her dreams of leading Scotland into independence, Boudicca-style, disappearing into the distance once again, Nicola may be seeing herself, in an appropriate gender role-reversal, as a knight on a white charger, rescuing transwomen in distress and decapitating, or at least silencing, a few Terfs along the way. Never mind that, instead of killing dragons, she's let loose a couple of the monsters called Misogyny and Violence in Scotland. Or that, instead of tilting her lance at Westminster, she's taken aim instead at Scottish women. It's her legacy that's at stake, not independence or the good of the Scottish people.

Fortunately it looks like the anger of older Scottish women may well drag her off her high horse.

Saturday, 14 January 2023

A View from the Terf

Calton attended the demonstration outside the Scottish Parliament organised by the Glasgow Cabbie a couple of days ago to protest against Nicola Sturgeon in general and her sordid sex education and the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in particular. It was very well attended, unlike the counter-protest, with a variety of protesters from different backgrounds there. Calton has invited one of them to do a guest post:

"I am a sixty-something Scotswoman. When I was wee, girls became nurses when they grew up and boys became doctors. By the time I left high school I had acceptances from three Scottish universities to study medicine. I decided to study maths and physics instead and was one of a growing number of young women to do so. In the 80s engineering was the last bastion of male-only studies at university. So I became a software engineer upon graduating, working for a large electronics company in Scotland. I had to put up with manspreading, mansplaining and pornographic pictures everywhere I looked. I was never paid as much as men doing the same job, which affects my pension today. It was a really sexist, misogynistic environment but it was nothing compared to the misogyny I see today coming from the Scottish Parliament, under a female First Minister, and I never felt unsafe in the ladies toilets!

In the last three decades of the 20th century women's rights were improving. There was still a gender pay gap and some way to go but we felt we were making progress. We had our first female Prime Minister, pornography gradually disappeared from the workplace and women were no longer told they could only do certain jobs. Now we are going backwards fast under a female First Minister who claims to be a "feminist to her fingertips" but doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word. Young boys are being taught at school that porn is fine - go ahead and have fun with it. Young girls are being admitted to hospital with serious anal injuries after experimenting with a type of sex promoted in school sex education which I hadn't even heard of at their age. A primary school teacher caught two kids trying to have sex in the gender neutral toilets after sex education. This isn't progress and it's damaging kids, girls in particular.

I never used to think of myself as a feminist but I do now - a TERF and proud of it. Nicola Sturgeon doesn't know what a man is but I do and they shouldn't be in women's prisons, women's refuges, women's toilets or any other space reserved for WOMEN. That's why I attended Glasgow Cabbie's demonstration - to say SHAME ON STURGEON and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

WOMEN WON'T WHEESHT - for the sake of the children."