Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Superforecaster or Neonazi?

Calton is not a fan of shouting for people whose opinions and/or beliefs do not agree with his own to be sacked, in general, however Andrew Sabisky should never have been hired in the first place, if the quotes attributed to him are correct. It seems that Dominic Cummings was so keen to get a Superforecaster on the Number 10 team that due diligence was not carried out and the result was that they got someone whose views are straight out of 1930s Germany. The idea that poorer, less educated people were having more children which would lead to a lowering of intelligence in the nation - check. The advocacy of forced sterilisation through contraception - check. The lie that whites are superior to blacks in terms of intelligence - check. The resurrection of Eugenics - check.

The reason that Calton would be calling for Sabisky's sacking had he not resigned is because we know what the end result was of the beliefs listed above - the extermination of 6 million people in the gas chambers. We should learn from history, not repeat it.

For a more in-depth treatment of the thought processes in 1930s Germany read Chapter XIX Shadow of Tom Holland's excellent book - Dominion. Better still, read the whole book.

PS. Calton regards Superforecasters in much the same way as he regards the so-called Prophets of the modern Charismatic movement and his chances of one of his 1001 premium bonds coming up.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Exclusive Faith-based Cults

Jackson Carlaw's recent comparison of the SNP to an "evangelical faith-based cult" may not, and indeed is not, going down well with some evangelical Christians and Calton has some sympathy with them. However Carlaw is quite right in his analysis. Whether it will help him to electoral victory is another matter ...

Meanwhile Christians are patting themselves on the back at the news that "one of them" has just been appointed Scottish Finance Minister, replacing the emotionally immature Derek Mackay, who is apparently now getting medically assessed after bombarding a 16 year old boy with 270 messages. What these Christians don't seem to understand is that cults are exclusive. Mutually exclusive. You can only belong to one at a time. Their leaders demand unquestioning obedience and a total lack of criticism. You have to give your all, 24/7 - you can't be a member of one cult on a Sunday and another Monday to Friday. It doesn't work that way. Which takes us back to Kate Forbes. It is claimed she is a Christian but, from what Calton can see, she seems to be a fully paid up member of the cult of Nicola. Her arrogant tweet on the resignation of Sajid Javid was certainly pure SNP.

With the banning of Billy Graham's son Franklin by SNP-led Glasgow City Council, the battle lines have been drawn. The SNP are ploughing ahead with gender recognition proposals which many Christians (and feminists) are unhappy with and they are promoting porn in our schools. If Forbes doesn't have the sense to get out she may well be pushed out for holding views unacceptable to the SNP cult. (The murmurings have already started.)

In the meantime Calton would like to remind her that a person can only serve one master (or mistress).